Top 5 Things To Enjoy

1-Bear Mt. No, not the one in NY although that one's
pretty cool too. This Bear Mt is part of a plateau that
sprawls into three states and includes several interesting
mountains that the trail will follow into Massachusetts.

2-Ten Mile River. For a river I had never heard of despite
growing up in New England the Ten Mile was quite a
discovery. Wide and wild, it was running strong and told
me to expect the unexpected.

3-Trail Towns. Despite being too expensive to stay in,
I LOVED Kent and Salisbury. Nearby shelters made it
easy to make it in for breakfast. Funky grocery stores,
good ice-cream and the right amount of attention.

4-Unique Shelters. Connecticut is the most strict of all
the AT states when it comes to camping (designated sites
only). To soften the blow, Riga Shelter has a lovely view to
the east and Stewart Hollow Brook sits across from active
railroad tracks.

5-Rand's View. This one kind of comes out of nowhere.
All of a sudden, you have the full Bear Mt/ South Taconic
range right in front of you. What a treat.