feature here. I can’t think of any other mountain like it on
the AT.
2-Blue Mt (above Lehigh Gap). Admit it. If it wasn’t for
all the pollution burning everything right off this mountain
you wouldn’t have a cool view. It’s OK. The rocky ascent is
sufficient pennance.
3-The Pinnacle. Dramatic stone ledge looking out onto...
well... it’s looking out on an area that’s as flat as a pancake,
OK. It’s a nice farmy non-urban flat as a pancake.
4-501. As in Route 501. All that slugging along up the ridge
just get up to parking level. For once the bird watchers have
it right over the hikers. It’s still a nice view. Console yourself
with a pizza delivered to the shelter across the road.
5-Hawk Rock. Nice mountain. Nice rock. I’ll even say it’s a
nice river from that distance. Duncannon makes up in soul
what it lacks in beauty unfortunately that doesn’t help here.
This is a good viewpoint to a fairly unattractive industrial town.