They Talk About 'The Rocks'
1-There’s Not Much Else to Look at. If there were big dramatic sweeping views, hellacious climbs or insane river crossings, you’d be talking about those. Since there are few or none of the above people talk about rocks.
2-There’s Not Much Else to Think About. Mileage is probably going well, whatever issues you were having with other hikers has been resolved one way or another and serious mountains are still a long way off.
3-That’s What There is to Complain About. It’s not extremely hot or cold when most thru-hikers go through PA and the people in their no-frills northern way are quite helpful.
4-I’m Hiking Like Crazy With No Plan. When the trail towns don’t mesh naturally with the rest and resupply rhythm you had going up through Virginia, planning tends to suffer. And that goes for planning what things to enjoy as well as where to get a burger or groceries.
5-There Actually Are Some Rocks. Overstatement doesn’t mean it’s a complete lie. There are rocks and stretches that go on for quite a while of eneven footing that can make long days that much longer